Monday, March 21, 2011

The Sewing Workshop eShrug

Talk about fast, fun and functional -- I got the eShrug pattern download this afternoon, printed, sections put together using a paper cutter and a glue stick, traced onto Pellon pattern ease, figured out the fabric/layout, cut out, sewed four seams and voila!  Done before the sun set.   It looks great over a blouse, a top and even this Tosca Dress.  Sewing is great therapy for me but I was just too tired to pose for photos this evening.   Today was a beautiful and warm spring day so perhaps we can do that tomorrow when the sun is shining again.
 eShrug over CLD Ebb Blouse (L) CLD Relax a Little shirt belted over SW Tosca Dress (R)
I left the edges raw and they curl nicely
Worn over another Tosca Dress


  1. I downloaded the eShrug today, too. I got as far as cutting my fabric out, so I can put it together tomorrow morning. Thanks for showing how versitile it can be.

  2. After I happened on your blog about a month ago I
    read all your posts and looked at your flicker pics. Your aesthetic is what I'm striving for in my own sewing and your blog gives me great pleasure and inspiration. I particularly liked your snoop shopping photos (price tags and all). Hope you're recovering steadily and I look forward to more posts and pictures.

  3. Thanks James, your comments and support means a lot to me. I am not improving as fast as I would like, but nerves don't grow fast. I am trying to do what I enjoy and not let this or the depression that comes with chronic problems get me down. Are you in Charlotte? I enjoy my visits to Southpark mall stores for snoop shopping!

    Nancy - I'll be checking your blog to see what you do with this. Enjoy

  4. I was looking as the Sewing Workshop photo galleries last night and the first photo up in the Ikina string was a black boucle version that I thought looked like you -- turns out it was yours! The last pjhoto was your Linton tweed version. Conclusion -- I ordered that pattern and the sleeveless x-over vest. It's still cold enough here in gloomy Detroit for a cozy jacket but I know I'll need hot weather tops eventually.

    I saw a mention of using wired ribbon for a neckline. Intriguing. Have you used this idea yet?
